Monday, June 27, 2011

Get Excited!!!

So I am going to try this blogging thing one more time. I have been reading the Blog Counting Coconuts for a couple weeks, and I have fallen in love with the passion this woman has for her child and teaching. I have always known I wanted to start a mini preschool with my daughter and a infant teaching with my son, but I have felt over whelmed and not sure where to start. As I have been reading her blog I realized I can do this, so I am starting to prepare my classroom (a bedroom in my house) and plan to start after our family vacation in September. I plan to integrate different methods of teaching. I love the idea of Montessori, so I know I want to incorporate the method into our daily lives.

At this time I plan to hold school Monday and Wednesday from 9-12, but depending on how my children take to it will decide if that is too long or they need more time through the week.

I am currently a SAHM and my most important thing in my family. I am so blessed to have a husband that supports and wants me to be home with our children. I love my children and I am so grateful to have them.

I am not great at blogging but I hope this will help me get better! I am excited about with the future holds... GET EXCITED!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ah! So fun to find this! Good for you, Sara--blogging and starting school with your adorable little chickies. Thought you might also want to check out this homeschooling blog I read: The archives may have some articles about younger kids that could help when you have questions. So glad to have another way to stay in touch with you!
